At Resolution Diagnostics we provide a wide range of services such as MRI, CT, X-Ray and Special Procedures.

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Resolution Diagnostics

At resolution Diagnostics we offer a variety of diagnostic services. Early diagnosis is vital to treating. Our advanced technology provides an effective way to identify early stages of disease or trauma. We are conveniently located in Spring Texas for all of your Diagnostic Imaging needs.

Our Services


MRI is a non-invasive tool that utilizes a powerful magnet and radio waves that interact with the water molecules in your body, which then is manipulated into high resolution 3D images and because MRI does not utilize ionizing radiation


This non-invasive MRA test (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) employs the same magnetization of protons as traditional MRI scans and imaging of blood vessels through the body.


X-Ray uses ionizing radiation to evaluate abnormalities or even acute trauma as a first step. X-Rays are normally accompanied with a CAT Scan, Ultrasound or MRI depending on type of exam

CAT Scan

CAT Scan (Computed Axial Tomography) is an imaging tool that uses ionizing radiation and computer technology to capture spherical cross-sectional slices of the anatomy being scanned.

Special Procedures

Pain management is an important branch of health care imaging used for evaluating and treatment of medical conditions. With the help of this advanced technology, all types of chronic pain can be evaluated, diagnosed, prevented and treated. It consists from arthritis, back pain as well as other chronic conditions like cancer and nerve damage.


DTI MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is a brain scanning technique that projects the connection between the different parts of the brain creation similar to the structure of the roads on the map. The map can then unveil brain activity and any obstacles that obstruct the paths. These obstacles are what your doctor has to deal with to treat your condition.

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